PURC Increase Electricity & Water Tariffs By 27.15% and 21.55% Respectively


 After several months of stakeholder consultations, the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) has reviewed utilities tariffs specially electricity and water by 27.15% and 21.55% respectively.

According to a statement issued by the Commission  the increments are to take effect from September 1, 2022.

The statement indicated that even though the commission acknowledged the economic difficulties faced by consumers, without the tariff increments, utility providers may not be able to meet their mandate.

“In balancing interests of the service providers and consumers, the PURC acknowledged that the very economic variables that have occasioned the steep increases proposed by the service providers also affect the consumers.”

“PURC, therefore, decided to increase the average end-user tariff for electricity by 27.15% and water by 21.55%, effectively September 1.”

more soon…


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