Climate Vulnerability Report Shows Ghana’s Targets Are Compliant With The Paris Agreement


The West African country of Ghana through its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) has made significant strides towards the achievement of her climate targets in compliance with the principles of the Paris Agreement according to a new report commissioned by the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF).

The new comprehensive 2023 “Traffic Light Assessment Report: Fair Share Pathways to Combat Global Climate Breakdown” adopts a novel approach, quantifying national emissions trajectories based on equity principles, providing valuable insights into the ambition of national 2030 targets.

The Ghanaian government disclosed this in a release titled International Report On Climate Targets Aligned With Fair Share date October 16, 2023.

“The Government of Ghana is pleased to announce that groundbreaking findings of a new report, shows Ghana’s climate targets are fair-share aligned with a 1.5ºC world and fully compliant with the Paris Agreement. The report evaluates the alignment of every country Paris Agreement climate targets for 2030, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), towards limiting global warming to 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels, taking into account the demands of the fair-share contributions each country should make” the release stated.

The report underscores the critical importance of adopting equitable and immediate action to close the ambition gap.

“Our NDCs reflect our dedication to addressing the climate crisis while adhering to equity principles” the released stated.

Fair-share contributions account not only for current emissions, but also past emissions, per capita pollution levels and the different capabilities of countries in terms of wealth and development levels.

The report indicated Ghana inclusive, most countries in the Global South have demonstrated commitment by aligning their national climate targets of fair-share effort to contain planetary warming to 1.5°C by 2030.

Ghana reiterates the need for a collective global mobilisation to implement a 1.5°C trajectory to achieve the objectives.

The 2023 “Traffic Light Assessment” report highlighted that most of the CVF were compliant with a fair-share delivery under the Paris Agreement in the aggregate of Africa as a whole.

Unfortunately, the reported noted that national targets set by major economies, including most G7 and G20 countries which are responsible for the overwhelming majority of the global climate pollutions including 80% of the G20, and 23% of the G7 nations are far outside of a fair share effort.

The Government of Ghana has accordingly affirms its commitment to being part of the solution and taking bold actions to combat climate change and stands with the “Fair Share Now” campaign to address the global insufficiency in fairly aligning with the Paris Agreement’s climate targets.

Ghana also called on all countries, especially the G7-G20 nations, to increase their ambitions and join global effort to safeguard the planet and secure a sustainable future.

About the 2023 Traffic Light Assessment Report

The Traffic Light Assessment Report serves as a comprehensive evaluation of countries’ commitments to the Paris Agreement’s climate goals for 2030.

It also aims at holding nations accountable by assessing their alignment with the Paris Agreement’s temperature and equity principles.

It reveals that while a majority of countries are compliant, wealthy nations, particularly those in the G7 and G20, are falling significantly short. The report serves as a cornerstone for the “Fair Share Now: Stop Climate Cheating” campaign, emphasizing the urgent need for equitable and immediate climate action.

By: Christian Kpesese


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